
Vacation Time

First day of vacation and the first signal of "hobby life". So what's on in the past time and what is coming for me and my dear readers? I'm going to show you some of my PIPs and WIPs, as well as preparing my trip at the end of the week. What trip? Well, i am off to the Lead Belt, Nottingham, at thursday and will stay there for the Warlord Games Day among other dates / events. I'll keep you posted on that 🙂

So, its monday morning 9 am, what is the status quo? I'd like to give you a short impression of the desk. I am currently painting my Khadorians.


As i wanted to have quick process to a paintjob on "tabletop standard level" aka could be considered playable, i started basic colors and added washes for a first shading.

Khador - Paint in Progress

To give you a feeling for the effect / results, take a look at the pictures below. The warcaster only having the basic colors, and the second with some Army Painter Quickshade Strongtone from the bottle.

Khador Pre Wash Khador Post Wash

So what's next? Well, its a start from there. Some drybrushing and details will move the paint job to a level, that i could live with.

On a side note: Be sure you cleaned the miniature properly and you got rid of any mold lines . The plastic privateer press uses is some nasty stuff and needs some time to be cleaned. Beside that i have to admit, that the casting quality isn't that great and i am looking forward when i focus on other projects ...

What else is going on? I ordered some A2 sized posters at posterxxl. They give discounts randomly, usually around 20-30%. I bought 3 posters including shipping for ~ 30 Euros. I used the templates from Massive Voodoo, scaled them up and added some more texture to it. Readers will recognise them from my reviews, but as the miniatures (can you call things that big still miniatures?) got bigger, i had to get bigger backdrops for the pictures.

Backdrops Finecast Space Marine

And a small teaser for the Apocalypse Reviews, one of the new chapter masters. Thanks to Carsten for this one.

Posted by Dennis B.

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