Ad Arma Con 2019 Part II
And as mentioned, a lot of the German tabletop community joined in this event, so you've seen some that you've met at other shows earlier this year.
Rhein Main Tabletop brought their Battlefleet Gothic table with them.
The hosts themself showed among other tables, their compact Black Hawk Down set using Bolt Action rules, along with a set up for Aggro, a hooligan skirmish.
And Asgard Aschaffenburg, who will be hosting their TableTopia Con in roughly two months, on July 6th and 7th. Once again showing this very impressive Fallout table.
Two tables of Western Skirmish next to eachother. The Nerds Mainz showed Dead Man's Hand.
And Axel, who we met at Rhein-Main-Multiversum, with this rules for Shootout in Dingstown covers the wild west as well. Both tables using the impressive 4Grounds western range, of pre-painted MDF buildings.
Bayernkini, who showed us the halfling table, incl. fantasy rugby and rooster racing, showed up with a naval wargame.
And this Battle at the Black Gate table with 10mm Lord of the Rings models even covers the huge battering ram Grond.
The Kurpfalz Feldherren showed this nice dungeon crawler in ice and snow.
And a lot of further table were to see and participate.
The show has grown and is making a name for itself. If you couldn't make it to Tactica in Hamburg, you had the chance to see some of the tables, if you were busy and visiting some shows since the new year, you might have seen quite a few of these already. The location itself is nice for a show, as the space is more than enough and the lighting is proper, which made taking pictures quite easy. Still, due to the location, it is not that central and if you don't have a car, rather difficult to reach. But more visitors with cars wouldn't benefit, as parking would become a serious issue if more people participate.
I think this show could become a solid event in the midsize, due to the proximity to Mainz / Wiesbaden, Baden and northern France / Alsace. But a couple of tables less, freeing those people up to become visitors, could be a good move, to have more people gaming / participating and not just hosting "empty" tables. Or get board games involved, to cover additional tables and attract a broader audience.
Ad Arma will be hosted in 2020 on May 9th.
Link: Ad Arma
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Posted by Dennis B.
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