
Collecting a few ideas on Rohan houses

A bird never flew on one wing, and that's the reason why a single house is not enough for a proper settlement - even a small one. As stated in one of the weekend updates, I added a few further house kits to the stock, to be able to tinker a bit.

The Lord of the Rings - Rohan Houses

I went to Warhammer World on the first week of January, and took quite a few pictures from the Rohan village showcase. As you see, move of them require at least a second sprue / half a kit. So let's take a closer look on these buildings.

The Lord of the Rings - Rohan Village The Lord of the Rings - Rohan Village

The L-shaped building in picture 1 + 2, would need two additional short segments (part #3) and two further roofs (part #13). Rather unusual spare parts. So high invest on parts, without a larger footprint nor impressive sight afterwards.

The Lord of the Rings - Rohan Village

The chieftains hall is quite impressive, but require the parts of four Rohan house kits to be build. It is double the length and width of a regular house, and as the roof is the biggest part, will give you a few spare parts like walls and such. At 136 EUR RRP it is not cheap, but for comparison, the 4Ground Great Hall is more than 220 EUR. To be fair, the chieftain hall is roughly 30 by 20 cm incl. porch, the Great Hall is massive 40 cm by 58 cm. Still if you're one of the lucky few, that bought the Stronghold, get 2-3 additional house kits and give this one a go. Converting it into being playable incl. interior will add a bit of time and costs. An alternative might this kit by Elladan by at around 120 EUR.

The Lord of the Rings - Rohan Village

In picture 4 we see a blacksmith. Very fitting building for a society built around horses. This one is build using a single Rohan House kit, with the ladder bit from the Palisade & Watchtower kit used as a fence, and the sign taken from the Lake Town buildings. But you could use the fence that is included and scratch build the sign post easily. By that, this is one variant that I'd like to include in my settlement.

The Lord of the Rings - Rohan Village

The long house in picture 5 seems to be using 2 kits as well, with the roof pro-longed by 2/3rds or one wall length. You could cheap-build it with an extension of only a third and thus only needing 3 sprues instead of 4. Otherwise a proper build would require two kits, but would give you a few spare walls, that you could use to elevate another building by one level or to line a tower into an sentry tower.

In the current White Dwarf (issue January 2020) they added a couple of pages on converting these kits as well. They show a stable building, using two kits, one a neat spread out with proper foot print and a burnt down house.

White Dwarf - January 2020 White Dwarf - January 2020

The basic instructions on the stables are covered in the White Dwarf itself, similar to the burned house. The later one requires additional material and tools, like a heavier pair of cutters and some balsa wood to recreate the roof beams. I really like the twin building and the fact that the right one is basically the black smith building, that already caught my eye.

As I stated in the reviews of both, the Rohan House and Palisade & Watchtower, these will fit very well with other fantasy settings and historical games. As such, I looked around for further additions to these kits. Very clear are the different fences and barrel sets by Renedra. As well as the outhouse, either the timber variant or wattle/daub variant. As all of these are plastic, they are rather easy to include.

To further extend the settlement, buildings are an option. As plastic terrain outside of Games Workshop is rather scarce, it is worth taking a look at other materials, like MDF or resin. The Dark Age building range by Elladan is quite interesting, as it covers regular sizes and smaller side-buildings. As of MDF, there's 4Ground with their AngloDanish and Saxon buildings, and Sarissa with their Dark Age building, most interesting due to their low price and a Dark Age Village bundle.

You see, there are quite the options for you to let your own town or settlement grow. I ordered a few of these and will show them in combination with the kits as soon as they arrive and are built.

Posted by Dennis B.

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  1. I keep returning to this article for inspiration when I think about working on my Rohan town. Thanks so much for making it!

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