
February 2023 review

February was mostly about two things - the Battle for Uulda Adeptus Titanicus gaming event and visting Hamburg Tactica!

Hamburg Tactica 2023 Hamburg Tactica 2023 Hamburg Tactica 2023

On Tactica I wrote an event report, as well covered my haul from the day.

Only two more items to paint up, to complete my current stock of Legio Astraman - the Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan and Warbringer with Quake Cannon. And while I prepared that, I took some inventory for my supporting Knight Household of House Moritain. Just added another two Acastus Knight Porphyrion to the lot, along with more weapon options from Forge World as well as 3d printed.

Adeptus Titanicus - Legio Astraman Direwolf Adeptus Titanicus - House Moritain Stock

Beyond that, I had time to look into the things that I ordered and arrived in the last few weeks, for example the second print run of the Horus Heresy supplement for Aeronautica Imperialis. I planned to do a review on this one, but to be honest, with it being limitedly available, I am not sure if that really adds value. I treated myself with another The Stilltower art print, this time a skull scribe. If you're in the EU and don't need it right away, he might drop off your order on his next stay in Spain and you safe on shipping and customs.

Aeronautica Imperialis - The Horus Heresy Stilltower - Skull Scribe Art print

The Barons War Outremer Kickstarter arrived! I have a ton of miniatures for my Moors, and will introduce them in a post of their own.

Barons War - Outremer Kickstarter Pledge

But most excited I am about this guy, that's my personal sculpts done by Paul Hicks, and this is something from my bucket list. I participated in a rule book, I hosted events etc. but I never had a miniature commissioned and in this case being so lucky and have it done by one of my favourite sculpters is amazing.

They went through my wish for this miniature with me, and I wanted to have a Spanish noble for my crusaders. I do have a small number of these casted, and swapped two of my casts with others who got individual sculpts, and I am thinking about the right idea to raffle of 3 or 4 of them. Most likely for something cancer related as I did in the past. We'll see, but it is my full intention to do something useful with it. I am aware, this is no Obi Wan Star Wars Legion or Thunderhawk painted by Emil, but I hope for the best and open for suggestions.

Barons War - Outremer Kickstarter Personal Sculpt Barons War - Outremer Kickstarter Personal Sculpt Barons War - Outremer Kickstarter Personal Sculpt Barons War - Outremer Kickstarter Personal Sculpt

The Forest Wyrm from the cunning hands of Harrowhyrst arrived with a bit of delay, as Footsore changed the IOSS agents and it got stuck in mail, went back to the UK and had to be send again - but after the Royal Mail strike, so it took it's time. I'll cover this guy in an article of his own.

Harrowhyrst - Forest Wyrm

And only one week after my Tactica trip I was back in Hamburg for business trip, so didn't get that much painting done in the last few days - but a few items for upcoming reviews arrived and will be announced next week.


Have a good start into March. My goal for this month is to sort out the Airbrush situation, and I'm already talking with someone about this and as I am documenting my search, so I'll cover this topic as well as a brief guidee for orientation.

Posted by Dennis B.

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