
July 2023 review

I am very excited about August, for multiple reasons. This weekend we will be heading to Nottingham, for Bring out your Lead 2023!

Bring out your Lead

It is an open gaming weekend, a celebration of all things Oldhammer for which Wargames Foundry will provide once more the venue. BOYL gathers once a year to host narrative games using old rules and miniatures. And that was reason for us to visit this event for the first time and pay the Lead Belt another visit.

And while we're in Nottingham, it is of course time to return to Warhammer World, Bugmans Bar and the Exhibition once more, along with stops at North Star Figures and if we have the time the new studio of Warlord Games. We will obviously cover the tour on here, as well as on the Chaosbunker Instagram feed.

Games Workshop - Warhammer World Exhibition Centre Games Workshop - Warhammer World Exhibition Centre Games Workshop - Warhammer World Exhibition Centre

Another thing that is going to be very interesting in August is Horus Heresy Legion Imperialis. We are very excited about this, not only the Adeptus Titanicus guys, but a lot of my gaming buddies, this might be an "all-in" situation. I'll re-visited the reviews on the Civitas Imperialis and Civitias Imperialis Spires (or at least pick them up again as I have two of the sector sets unbuild here), we have GrimDarkTerrain articles with MeSoPu in preparation, the next months are going to be filled and we're trying to setup a narrative gaming event for late autumn.

Adeptus Titanicus - Civitas Imperialis Sector Grim Dark Terrain - Mega Sonic Punch Custom Print Adeptus Titanicus – Battle for Uulda III

If you are new to Horus Heresy, we did an introduction on the setting, there is already an idea for my factions (Imperial Fists and Sons of Horus), and I can't wait for the rules and miniatures to arrive here.

I sorted a few further Realm of Chaos miniatures and am thinking on how to integrate some models into the beastmen warband. I have some more ungor skirmishers, another minotaur, a few chaos hounds and Gorthor on his chariot, along with some spare tuskgors, where I am thinking about building some mounted skirmishers as I don't have proper miniatures for centigors.

Oldhammer - Realm of Chaos Beastmen Oldhammer - Realm of Chaos Beastmen

The 3d printer was on duty in July as well, covering some scatter terrain and bits, one plate as a tester for Blood Bowl, with items for the side line, that I want to incorporate into the backdrops of upcoming pictures of the Chaosbunker Bloodbowl League. A few balls and a board which I want to print another 3-5 times. I want to add further things like a score board and maybe field goals. Beyond that I printed up something that will be used as mission objectives and additional terrain, but that will be part of the Legion Imperialis / Epic 30k coverage.

Blood Bowl - Printed Pieces

I managed to reduce the drafts in the backend, among other methods by publishing some of the work-in-progress Bolt Action reviews, now most of the drafts are from my Warhammer 40k 2nd retro project(s) and I moved my documentation of projects towards notion to declutter the backend. For those I've prepared paint testers for three forces.

Warhammer 40,000 - Imperial Fists 3rd Company Warhammer 40,000 - Abaddon’s Black Legion Warhammer 40,000 - Order of the Sacred Rose

Stay tuned, as mentioned above, activities on our social media will be higher as usual during the UK trip.

Posted by Dennis B.

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