
Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team – Termination

The latest addition to the Kill Team boxed sets is Termination, and the third one for 2024 after Salvation (Space Marines vs Aeldari) and Nightmare (Drukhari vs. Chaos Space Marines). This time it is the Genestealer Cult vs. League of Votann, the Brood Brothers against the Hernkyn Yaegir to be more precisely.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team - Termination Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team - Termination

None of the boxes are stand-alones, you will still need the Core Rulebook to play. The lite rules are free to download on Warhammer Community.


Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team – Salvation

With Salvation the next season of Kill Team starts, leaving Gallowdark behind and opening up something new. And with the new season, a few things have changed. The big boxes were split, so you have now a separate Killzone: Bheta-Decima box with the terrain features, and in this case the Salvation boxed set for the two Kill Teams, in this case Space Marine Scouts and Aeldari Striking Scorpions, as the new season focuses more on spec ops and infiltration.

None of the boxes are stand-alones, you will still need the Core Rulebook to play. The lite rules are free to download on Warhammer Community. Anyhow, today we're just looking at the Salvation boxed set.

Warhammer 40000 - Kill Team Salvation Warhammer 40000 - Kill Team Salvation


Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team – Ashes of Faith Supplement

It's been a while, since the last that the we covered a supplement for Kill Team on here. Back in 2018 we covered the semi-stand-alone boxed set of Rogue Trader, which was introduced earlier that year at Warhammer Fest Europe. And it is pretty similar with Warhammer 40,000  Kill Team - Ashes of Faith, a narrative supplement for Kill Team, which was introduced on Warhammer Fest a few weeks ago as well.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team - Ashes of Faith Supplement

Unlike other Kill Team boxed sets, this one comes without terrain, but with a narrative campaign, which provides a bit of development for the teams. The two factions covered in this set are the Inquisition, with a retinue of Inquisitorial Agents and Ancillary support units (Scions and Sisters of Silence) and a cult of Chaos. Quite the stack of miniatures, but more on that later. You are welcomed by a lot of plastic once you open up the box. Beneath that, you'll find a divider with the Warhammer logo, protecting the remaining game materials (which we will show you in detail further below) from the sprues.


Warhammer Fest 2023 Recap and Comments – Part 3

And the third and final part of our Warhammer Fest 2023 recap and comments, focussing on the Monday reveals. With them being only labelled as Kill Team and the rather "light" content of the Fantasy skirmishes from Saturday, I didn't expect that much. But was happily surprised.

There will be a narrative campaign for Kill Team called Ashes of Faith. It is not part of the current season Gallowdark, but an extension of its own, I assume a bit like Rogue Trader back in 2018. It covers no terrain, and a repack of the chaos cultists sets from the 40k Chaos range (Dark Commune, Cultists and Accursed Cultists), as well as a few Sisters of Silence and Scions to support the new Inquisitorial Agents, who are a new plastic kit, that will give you the option to build 7 different miniatures (a few variants shown here).

Warhammer Fest 2023 - Kill Team Ashes of Faith

These are a nod to the Inquisitor 54mm miniature roleplaying game by Games Workshop in the 2000s, among them most noticeably Sergeant Stone, who had his 54mm miniature and even a rumour engine teaser a while back on Warhammer Community. The new model really catches the artwork by John Blanche and Adrian Smith.


Necromunda – Into the Dark Backdrop

Along the new releases of the last months, is a new installment of Kill Team - called Into the Dark this time, and while the game itself is not what caught my attention, it was actually the terrain of this starter set.

With 170 EUR RRP you could probably buy it at FLGS with a bit of discount, sell the gangs and keep the terrain for a proper deal, but I didn't fancy the string of events with if I went down that road, so I picked up the accessories sprue twice and one of the regular wall sections for a total of about 30 EURs plus shipping.

Necromunda - Kill Team Into the Dark Sprues Necromunda - Kill Team Into the Dark Sprues Necromunda - Kill Team Into the Dark Sprues

The accessories sprue is interesting, as I could upgrade my existing terrain (like the Plasma Reactors or Ferratonic Silos) and the upcoming bulkhead terrain builds with them, as they cover point-of-interest that could provide interaction on the table and at a tenner for a full sprue of this bits, I had to get my hands on them. And to save one shipping, I added one of the regular wall sections, to build a backdrop for my Necromunda gangs. About that - I am still working on the 1995s House Orlock Gang.


GenCon 2021 Previews by Games Workshop

With the new way of communication, Games Workshop is more open on their previews. Along with the limitations of participating on shows, they opened up even more and do quite broad coverage on their Warhammer Community page.

Earlier last week, there was a preview, that we would see some new announcements on GenCon. For those of you not familiar with GenCon, it is the largest tabletop game (not just tabletop wargames, but any kind of game played upon a tabletop including related things like cosplay, video games and so on) event in North America. Comparable to the SPIEL in Germany, but in a much more professional, user-centred way.

Games Workshop - GenCon Teaser Games Workshop - GenCon Teaser

Games Workshop just posted the logos of the systems that would be covered, Warhammer 40,000, Blood Bowl, WarCry, Warhammer Underworlds, Necromunda and Kill Team.


Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Starn’s Disciples

Kill Team is an incredibly successful brand for Games Workshop and the supplements keep coming. So it is time to not just look at the very interesting Kill Zones, like Sector Fronteris or Sector Mechanicus, but one of the actual Kill Teams.

Warhammer 40,000 Starn's Disciples – Genestealer Cults Kill Team Warhammer 40,000 Starn's Disciples – Genestealer Cults Kill Team

With the re-release of the Genestealer Cult back in 2016, the new Kill Team Starn's Disciples is one of the boxes that really caught my eye. The Kill Teams go hand in hand with a combatant, in this case the Mechanicus warband of Theta 7 Aquisitus and the matching Kill Zone, the mentioned above Sector Fronteris using the Ryza Pattern ruins.


Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team Campaign Boxed Set

Similar to the Organised Play set for the Underworlds series, Games Workshop provided the new Kill Team ruleset with a similar pack - the Campaign box.

Warhammer 40.000 - Kill Team Campaign

The content of these boxes support an open instore campaign. Each player has a Kill Team card and get's stamps for each week they play a game of Kill Team.


Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team – Rogue Trader Expansion

Similar to the Nurgle Rotters, this box was "revealed" at Warhammer Fest Europe as well, the Rogue Trader Expansion for Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team.

Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Rogue Trader Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Rogue Trader

Earlier this year, there was a teaser about Rogue Trader coming back. This was before Kill Team was officially announced, therefore it is important to clarify the expectations on this boxed set and what it contains.

Rogue Trader is an expansion for Kill Team, you will need either the Kill Team rulebook or the Kill Team boxed set, so fully use the content of this box. It is not a stand-alone. The price of this boxed set is 105 EUR and it is basically two Kill Team forces and a new Kill Zone with its own rules.


Warhammer 40.000 Killzone: Sector Mechanicus

As supplements for the Kill Team Starter kit Games Workshop released a series of specific Killzone Environments. These kits are bundles of already available terrain kits with added content for the Kill Team rule set at greatly reduced price.

In this unboxing and build review, I continue with the terrain kits after the Sector Imperialis Basilicanum and move forward to the Killzone: Sector Mechanicus.

Warhammer 40.000 - Killzone Sector Mechanicus Warhammer 40.000 - Killzone Sector Mechanicus

For 65 EUR we receive a huge and heavy box, with a lot (and I mean it, a lot!) of sprues. I had to add the comparison with the Primaris Space Marine so you get a feeling for that huge stack of frames you get for that money. But that is not all, as mentioned above, this is not simply a discounted terrain bundle, this is a Kill Team Killzone supplement, covering a double sided thick card board gaming mat and additional gaming material, like an environment chart for the Sector Mechanicus, 4 new scenarios using the terrain from this kit and 12 new tactic cards.

Warhammer 40.000 - Killzone Sector Mechanicus Warhammer 40.000 - Killzone Sector Mechanicus Warhammer 40.000 - Killzone Sector Mechanicus