
Happy New Year and December 2024 review

Another year is coming to an end, so enjoy 2024's New Year's Eve and have a Happy New Year!

Chaosbunker - Happy New Year 2020

Just like we did in the past, let me combine the review of December and looking back upon the whole year in a single article.


Warmaster – Tomb Kings of Khemri

What is a perfect way to motivate yourself beside deadlines? Having somebody else join your project / play the same games. So I managed to fire up Florian / Celebration Parallax about Warmaster and he chose the Tomb Kings of Khemri.

Not a bad fit, as that would create the Bretonnia vs. Khemri setup from the Old World Release, we could do a bit of crusading and it would certainly not feel like a mirror match.

Warmaster - Tomb Kings of Khemri

Beside that, due to their design, painting them in 10mm shouldn't be the hardest thing, as you could probably easily do a lot already with a coloured primer, midtone wash and a bit of dry-brushing. For those of you, who don't know the Tomg Kings of Khemri, they are egyptian themed undead within the Warhammer World, using a lot of elements of the era, like Sphinxes or Chariots.


Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 5

Gareth was tired of constantly running in a drive wheel on a Reik's passenger ship. It was a low-paying, monotonous job. Ironically, the constant running was the basis of his fitness for being a Blood Bowl player.

On a trip along the Averland, he met the rebuilding Hawks. Without further ado, Gareth “the Express” Bosch signed up with the Hawks and started a new life. “The rest is history”, as they say.

Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 5 Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 5


The Barons War – Fantasy Skirmish arrived

Earlier this year the Barons War range was extended by a fantasy range, crowd financed via Kickstarter. The duo of Andy Hobday and Paul Hicks cooperated on various projects in the past, some as direct parts of Footsore, and after some back and forth with various names, the Barons War range is a Warhost product, by HobdayandHicks.

The delivery was a bit behind schedule (really just slightly, it was intended to ship in November and now was 2-3 weeks later), which isn't a huge issue for me, but due to the changes in GPSR they had a bit of hurry to deliver the packages to send out the European packages before the mid of december. This isn't the first time I backed a Kickstarter campaign where the two were involved, as I participated with Gangs of Rome, Barons War and treated myself to a custom sculpt with Outremer.

Hobday & Hicks - Warhost Barons War Fantasy Skirmish Hobday & Hicks - Warhost Barons War Fantasy Skirmish

For this campaign, they went for a new interesting packaging, with printed boxes and beautiful artwork by Peter Dennis (who we will discuss further below again) and that certainly upgrades the value of the set.


Deth Wizards – Raising the dead

In December we started talking about what to cover for next years CONflict Rhineland, after we did Tanks for the Apocalypse in 2024 by Snarling Badger Studios. Various options were on the table, we were thinking about doing a mech game using Osprey's Gamma Wolves or Arsenal, or doing naval warfare with Galleys & Galleons by Ganesha Games. We considered using Deathship One by Joseph McCullough (the author of Frostgrave), and have the survivors fight a mighty vampire and after me throwing in my Zombie T-Rex, we ended up back with Snarling Badger Studio and their necromantic skirmish combat Deth Wizards.

snarling badger studios - deth wizards

As that game is capable of solo- and coop gaming as well, it would be very flexible for a hosted table, as we could adapt the scenarios to the liking and skill level of the gamers. Beside that, Florian just got a new 3d printer (Bambu Lab A1) and with him printing Briarwood terrain pieces, it was a great excuse for everybody to paint up some Undead. Even Dino joins in and we will have parallel projects - that is a first.


Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 4

We continue with a small dedication for particularly active users in the course of the project, so let’s get straight to it:

Sir Thomas Dragonblade

As one of the oldest players of the Averland Hawks, Sir Thomas had already had a lot of life experience. In Zhufbar, under Captain Milluzson, he had discovered his passion for shipbuilding and later even ran a small shipyard in Averland. Unfortunately, the business literally went down the drain when his assistant Ms. Elfikova ran off with a large part of his profits. As it turned out, she had used the money to build a ship stadium for her own team, the Karond Kar Sharks!

Blood Bowl was the next logical step for Sir Thomas - the large sums paid out to players would get him back on his feet while he yearned to face Ms. Elfikova's team each season to exact revenge.

Blood Bowl - Averland Hawks Part 4 Blood Bowl - Averland Hawks Part 4

Filed under: fantasy Continue reading

Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 3

After introducing the second lineman of the Averland Hawks last time, I continue today with the final one of the brave gentlemen at the center of the pitch.

Derek Jørgensøn

Even if a dwarf would never admit it, their people are close to humans. However, there are some popular exceptions where a dwarf is happy to admit to being friends with a human, such as Derek Jørgensøn. The former inventor has many ties to the Machinists' Guild and enjoys a good reputation there. Together with the dwarf Rae Crowson, is also developing training equipment for Blood Bowl players when he is not playing himself.

Blood Bowl - Averland Hawks 3 Blood Bowl - Averland Hawks 3


Blood Bowl – Preparing for match reports

I've written multiple times about my love for Blood Bowl on here, and I want to move the coverage into a nostalgic driven direction. We did game reports in the past, Dino did so with his Maulers, but I want to pick something up in a style, that I grew up with.

To give you an idea, what I am talking about, these are pictures from tactic articles from the very first German White Dwarf issues introducing Blood Bowl.

Blood Bowl - Match Report Blood Bowl - Match Report
Blood Bowl - Match Report Blood Bowl - Match Report Blood Bowl - Match Report


Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 2

Every team needs a few tough guys who can not only dish it out, but also take a few hits. Accordingly, today you get to see the second line player of the Averland Hawks, Yohann Schmied. He is based on an RPG character created by TTW forum user Deadly Dub, alias Hannes.

Yohann Schmied

The child of an Ostlander and a Norscan woman, Yohann grew up on the coast of Ostland in very rough conditions. He dreamed of one day following in his father's footsteps and taking over his forge, but spent far too much time in the taverns, where he often got into brawls along with his friends. It was during one such brawl that he caught the eye of one of the many Blood Bowl talent scouts. Still devoted to the craft of blacksmithing, Yohann now forges and maintains his own equipment for each match.

Blood Bowl - Averland Hawks 2 Blood Bowl - Averland Hawks 2


Blood Bowl – Averland Hawks Part 1

As you can see, I've revamped my community project a bit and it's no longer titled Blood Bowl Community Team. But don't worry, the premise remains the same - I'll be immortalizing particularly active members of the community, or those who have simply been an enrichment to my personal hobby. I will tell the teams story bit by bit over the course of the project, based on the player descriptions as well as some of the games I have played. But I won't keep you waiting any longer. Here comes the first player!

Dierk von Evilstein

The name Evilstein evokes a certain awe in many players and fans. The efficiency of Engel von Evilstein’s weapons was only surpassed by the explosiveness of his loins, and so it's not surprising that wherever he competed in matches...he liked to deepen the relationship with his fans after the games.

It is not known how many offspring Engel has ultimately fathered. But Dierk “Judge” von Evilstein is in no way inferior to his father’s reputation on the pitch, despite his rather friendly nature. Only off the field does he show far more decency than his father did.

Blood Bowl - Averland Hawks 1 Blood Bowl - Averland Hawks 1