
Age of Sigmar – Stormcast Eternals Lord Imperatant with Gryph Hound

With issue 08 of Age of Sigmar Stormbringer we get another hero for the Stormcast Eternals, a Lord Imperatant with Gryph Hound. Don't worry, this is not one of the models that is going to be culled.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Issue 08


Age of Sigmar – Stormcast Eternals Annihilators

I grabbed these Annihilators as a reinforcement for the Warcry Stormcast Eternals Warband, that I built from the Stormbringer subscription. While I was looking, if I could get the push-fit ones from Dominion, the price of the proper multi-part kit was so close, that I went for the "real deal".

Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Annihilators Age of Sigmar - Stormcast Eternals Annihilators

These are like I said, the multi-part not push-fit from Dominion (picture on the left), and you get a box with three sprues, options for having them either wield a two-handed hammer or hammer and shield, along with three round bases and an instruction leaflet including the warscroll. The price of these is 45 EUR RRP, but I managed to pick them up at a sale for 27 EURs.


March 2024 review

While longer than february, the month of march felt shorter. So what happened?

This month two deliveries of Stormbringer arrived, with most recently the 3rd shipment of magazine 8 to 13, we already covered on here.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 08 to 13 Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 08 to 13 Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 08 to 13


Warhammer Fantasy – Classic Bretonnian Squires

Among the releases Games Workshop provided with one of the last waves for the Bretonnians in Warhammer The Old World were some not made-to-order classic miniatures, the Bretonnian Squires with Bows. I have used the metal casting for classic OOP miniatures in the past, most recently with some Bretonnian characters on foot and mounted on a Pegasus.

With the squires, I bought those blisters as well, but unlike in the past, it took quite long to deliver. Usually the items are sent out so that they arrive on release day, but it seems that is not the case more, in my case they even shipped them after the release day and only arrived a week later.

Warhammer Fantasy - Classic Bretonnian Squires

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Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 08 to 13

Last Thursday the next shipment of the German Issues of Stormbringer by Hachette arrived, issues #08 to 13. We're now with the 6 issue packs which will continue til the end of the run. In case of the subscriptions they are packed differently from the regular newsagent variant.

If you want to take a look back on the last shipment, issues o4 to 07, you can do so here.

Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 08 to 13 Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 08 to 13


Age of Sigmar Warcry – Stormbringer Exclusive Stormcast Eternals Praetor Prime

A special miniature that came with the last Stormbringer shipment is the limited release or exclusive to the magazine Praetor Prime, and was released with issue number 04.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Issue 05

A prime of any Stormcast Eternals unit is their champion and as such this Praetor Prime is not a named character (unfortunately), but the champion of the unit if Praetors coming with issue number 15 in April 2024.


Blood Bowl – High Elves Team Part 1

We gave you an introduction on the stock for 3rd edition Blood Bowl High Elves and now it is time to muster a team for the Chaosbunker Blood Bowl League (CBL). We did it similar in the article on the Chaos-Team, with the fitting name "for the love of the game", and we will do the same now for the team from Ulthuan.

Unlike the chaos team, I don't need to strip the miniatures. They are cleaned, based and primed and basically ready to get painted. But that's the current problem - decisions over decisions on team names and colours.

Blood Bowl - High Elves Blood Bowl - High Elves


Blood Bowl – 1994s High Elves Galadrieth Gladiators Team

The Mordheim Marauders qualified their franchise for the participation in the Chaosbunker Blood Bowl League (CBL), now it is time to see who Elves ... pardon, who else will join.

Chaosbunker Blood Bowl League

Next up is a team of High Elves and we're going to give you an introduction, just like we did with the 1994 Chaos All-Stars Team.


Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Magazine 04 to 07

The next shipment of the German Issues of Stormbringer by Hachette arrived, issues #04 to 07.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Issue 04 to 07 Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormbringer Issue 04 to 07

We showed you the initial shipment with the first three issues over here, and continue today with the next four issues, covering the first paints and further miniatures.


Made-to-Order Classic Bretonnian Characters

With some of the last waves for The Old World Games Workshop offered some models as made-to-order. I used this service in the past, for example with the Skaven characters or the Halfling Blood Bowl Team. Production time in the store is usually stated with 180 days, but they arrived within a few days after ordering, pre-brexit sometimes even the tuesday or wednesday after ordering them on a saturday.

Are they bargains? It depends on what you take as a baseline. They are certainly not cheap, but usually less than buying them on eBay and you don't have the remaining risk of buying an overpriced recast.

What is new about these, is that they actually have clam shell blister packs and not as often in the past, just the white boxes from the Mail Order. This leads me to believe, that at some point, we might see this in store and not just as a made-to-order / mail order exclusive product.

Warhammer Fantasy - Made to Order Bretonnian Characters

But what did I pick up? Under the new names they are Paladin with Hammer and Shield, Paladin with Sword and Shield and a Lord with Sword & Shield on Pegasus. The Paladins were 12 EUR each and the Pegasus 32,50 EUR. Certainly not cheap, the 12 EURs for the characters on foot is above what I would usually pay for these (about 6 Euros, maybe a bit more if unpainted and a pose that I really like), as for the Pegasus Lord, this one is rather uncommon and I have seen him usually above the 50 EUR bracket on eBay, so that was a reasonable offer and complete.

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