
Die Große Wargaming Umfrage 2018

Auch 2018 veranstaltet Wargames Soldiers & Strategy die Great Wargaming Survey!

The Great Wargaming Survey 2018

Zum fünften Mal in Folge gibt es vom Wargames Soldiers & Strategy Magazin die Great Wargaming Survey. Mit mehreren Tausend Teilnehmern jedes Jahr und einem sich entwickelnden (und teilweise wiederholenden) Fragenkatalog, gibt es ein sich konstant verbesserndes Bild des durchschnittlichen (teilnehmenden) Tabletopper.

Aber noch wichtiger, es scheint nach wie vor zu bestätigen wie viel Freude die Teilnehmer aus dem Hobby ziehen. Nehme auch die an der Umfrage teil und gib deine Stimme hier ab

Für eine Auswertung der früheren Umfragen, folge diesem Link

Welcome to the Great Wargaming Survey 2018 with an exclusive focus on tabletop miniature wargaming.

Apart from rolling dice, there seem to be few things wargamers like to do better than discuss the state of their hobby. The purpose of this survey is to answer some of the questions that regularly come up in such debates. As before, the results will be published online only for everyone to read.

As before, and thanks to our gracious sponsors, we have quite a few prizes to be won. Leave your email address at the end of the survey to be entered into the raffle. Entering the contest does not automatically mean we'll subscribe you to any communication! That is a separate question which does not influence the results of the raffle in any way.

As a thank-you for taking part, everyone who completes the survey will get a 15% discount code for the Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy / Karwansaray Publishers webshop. Though it does not apply to shipping costs, this code can be used for any (combination of) in the shop apart from our Premium, Combined and Digital subscriptions.

Finally, filling out the entire survey shouldn't take more than 5-10 minutes, and we're taking responses until September 5th, 2018.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Guy Bowers & Jasper Oorthuys
Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy magazine

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